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Proof Quality Fonts Keyword

<ProofQualityFonts [N]>
<pqf [N]>

    MDSP bit 40000 modifier. Reset if N = 0, otherwise set. All MDSP modifiers are both parameters and switches. If N is missing the bit is set and the mode is active. Setting this MDSP bit makes the font mapper use PROOF_QUALITY rather than DRAFT_QUALITY, I've never been able to tell the difference between the two. Following is the Win32 documentation:

DRAFT_QUALITYAppearance of the font is less important than when the PROOF_QUALITY value is used. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is enabled, which means that more font sizes are available, but the quality may be lower. Bold, italic, underline, and strikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.
PROOF_QUALITYCharacter quality of the font is more important than exact matching of the logical-font attributes. For GDI raster fonts, scaling is disabled and the font closest in size is chosen. Although the chosen font size may not be mapped exactly when PROOF_QUALITY is used, the quality of the font is high and there is no distortion of appearance. Bold, italic, underline, and strikeout fonts are synthesized if necessary.

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