In this example, the input device is the keyboard. The Continuous Running option (<cr>) is specified, which means that after the subject has responded, the next item is automatically presented after a short delay, unless the next item is an instruction, in which case, the presentation stops until a Request is received (in this case, pressing the spacebar).
n305 f36 s36 g0 m0 <id pio12> <cr >
$0 "Press the footpedal to begin.";
0 "Press the YES key if it is a word.";
0 "If it is not a word, then press the NO key.";
0 "Try to respond as quickly as possible,", <ln 1> "but not so quickly that you make errors.";
0 "The next items are for practice.";
0 "Press the footpedal to begin the display.";
+300 "+" / %5 "pleas"/ * "PLEASURE" /;
-300 "+" / %5 "protle"/ * "PROBLE" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "kitten"/ * "KITTEN" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "aircr"/ * "AIRCRAFT" /;
-300 "+" / %5 "jinn"/ * "JINNER" /;
-300 "+" / %5 "hinernot"/ * "HINERNOT" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "manager"/ * "MANAGER" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "maint"/ * "MAINTAIN" /;
-300 "+" / %5 "crans"/ * "BLICT" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "pleasure"/ * "POWERFUL" /;
+300 "+" /%5 "major"/ * "MAJORITY" /;
-300 "+" /%5 "colavago"/ * "SHILDIEN" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "rather"/ * "PASTRY" /;
+300 "+" / %5 "rotten"/ * "DECADE" /;
0 "End of practice. Continue when ready.";$
+1 "+" / %5"mother"/ * "FATHER"/;
+17 "+" / %5"bread"/ * "DRYER"/;
+33 "+" / %5"addit"/ * "ELECTION"/;
+49 "+" / %5"function"/ * "POSSIBLE"/;
+65 "+" / %5"device"/ * "DEVICE"/;
+81 "+" / %5"belief"/ * "HANDLE"/;
+97 "+" / %5"elastic"/ * "PLASTIC"/;
+113 "+" / %5"protect"/ * "CULTURE"/;
+129 "+" / %5"separ"/ * "SEPARATE"/;
-145 "+" / %5"ballet"/ * "RENSOR"/;
-161 "+" / %5"writhe"/ * "BRANCE"/;
-177 "+" / %5"famil"/ * "CAPURALT"/;
-193 "+" / %5"instance"/ * "GLUATION"/;
-209 "+" / %5"soluble"/ * "SHUSTER"/;
-225 "+" / %5"oregon"/ * "BISTLE"/;
-241 "+" / %5"never"/ * "SPISH"/;
-257 "+" / %5"makers"/ * "WOOTIS"/;
-273 "+" / %5"indeb"/ * "BOLECHUP"/;
+2 "+" / %5"salt"/ * "PEPPER"/;
+18 "+" / %5"bitter"/ * "THREAD"/;
+34 "+" / %5"assem"/ * "IDENTITY"/;
+50 "+" / %5"practice"/ * "MILITARY"/;
+66 "+" / %5"passage"/ * "PASSAGE"/;
+82 "+" / %5"normal"/ * "CELLAR"/;
+98 "+" / %5"change"/ * "CHARGE"/;
+114 "+" / %5"pierce"/ * "POISON"/;
+130 "+" / %5"solut"/ * "SOLUTION"/;
-146 "+" / %5"seeds"/ * "GLOIN"/;
-162 "+" / %5"ingest"/ * "SAPKUD"/;
-178 "+" / %5"mudsl"/ * "PUMBLEAN"/;
-194 "+" / %5"coincide"/ * "WOLSHINE"/;
-210 "+" / %5"killed"/ * "BOWBLE"/;
-226 "+" / %5"chive"/ * "CHERP"/;
-242 "+" / %5"artist"/ * "CORTH "/;
-258 "+" / %5"larva"/ * "AUBLE"/;
-274 "+" / %5"manag"/ * "GROSHARY"/;
$0 "End of block. Continue when ready.";$