DMDX Help.

Default Background Color Keyword

<DefaultBackgroundColor N1[,N2,N3] [option]>
<dbgc N1[,N2,N3] [option]>
<dbc N1[,N2,N3] [option]>    

    Parameter and switch to change the default background color. N1 is a kilo color spec when only one number is present otherwise all three numbers must be present and they are an RGB triplet where each gun has legal values from 0 through 255 (ie N1 is the red gun value, N2 is green and N3 is blue). As a parameter it does the same thing as the <BackgroundColor> parameter, as a switch (ie when used in a frame as opposed to the parameters) it changes the default color of the background starting with the next frame unless the STAT option has been specified (as of version where it will take effect in the frame with <dbgc> in it.  If STAT is used in the parameter line with this keyword all subsequent uses of it will be assumed to be STAT.

    Common usage of <dbc> is to set both the default background color and the default writing color in the parameters with something like <dwc 0,255,128> <dbc 64,128,255>.

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