DMDX Help.

Audio Keywords

<BackgroundSound [N]> Background Sound
<BGSound [N]> Background Sound
<DVOXBeepSpec>Audio correct response feedback
<sf [N]>Play .WAV file
<Sound [N]>Play .WAV file
<wav [N]>Play .WAV file
<sec text>Play portion of a .WAV file
<SetEndCue text>Play portion of a .WAV file
<SetStartCue text>Play portion of a .WAV file
<ssc text>Play portion of a .WAV file
<sac [N]> Suppress Audio Capture
<SuppressAudioCapture [N]> Suppress Audio Capture
<sa>Play Streaming Audio file
<StreamingAudio>Play Streaming Audio file
<PlaySAFrom N>Play Streaming Audio file portion
<PlaySATo N>Play Streaming Audio file portion
<psaf N>Play Streaming Audio file portion
<psat N>Play Streaming Audio file portion
<Pan N>Set the Pan of a .WAV file
<SetVisualProbe text>Set the Visual Probe of a .WAV file
<svp text>Set the Visual Probe of a .WAV file
<vol N>Set the Volume of a .WAV file
<Volume N>Set the Volume of a .WAV file
<DefaultPanning N>Set the default Pan of a .WAV file
<DefPan N>Set the default Pan of a .WAV file

DMDX Index.