# |
Enable Time Critical
Frames |
<2Did text text,N,N,N,N...> |
Select a 2D Input Device |
text,N,N,N,N...> |
Select a 2D Input Device |
<% N> |
Set Frame Duration |
<%ctr N> |
Frame Duration from
Counter |
<*> |
Turn RT Clock On |
</ep> |
End of extended parameters. |
<@ N> |
Set Text display row |
<a> |
Azkii format output
data file |
<ab F> |
Frame is to be Alpha
Blended |
<AbortDQPurge N> |
Abort Display Queue Purge |
text> |
Specify Item Abort
key name |
<ac [N]> |
Acoustic Control |
[N]> |
Acoustically Signal
Experimenter |
<AcousticControl [N]> |
Acoustic Control |
<AgainWhen N,N> |
Animate frames |
text> |
Specify Item Abort
key name |
<AlphaBlend F> |
Frame is to be Alpha
Blended |
<AlphaSource> |
Frame is Source in
an Alpha Blend |
<an N,N> |
Animate frames |
<animate N,N> |
Animate frames |
<apc N> |
Display counter's value |
<AppendCounter N> |
Display counter's value |
<as> |
Frame is Source in
an Alpha Blend |
<ase [N]> |
Acoustically Signal
Experimenter |
<aw N,N> |
Animate frames |
<azk> |
Azkii format output
data file |
Azkii format output
data file |
<AzkiiResponses> |
Azkii format output
data file |
<b> |
Trigger Windows exclamation
sound |
<BackgroundColor N> |
Set Background fill
Color |
<BackgroundSound [N]> |
Background Sound |
<BB2MR N> |
Branch Backwards to Most Recent |
<bc N> |
Set Background fill
Color |
<Bell> |
Trigger Windows exclamation
sound |
<bgc N> |
Set Background fill
Color |
[N]> |
Background Sound |
<bi N,expression> |
Branch on expression |
<bic N> |
Branch If Correct |
<bicGT N1,N2,N3> |
Branch if Counter Greater |
<bicLE N1,N2,N3> |
Branch if Counter Lower |
<bierGT N1,N2> |
Branch If Error Rate
Greater |
<bierLE N1,N2> |
Branch If Error Rate
Lower |
<BinaryResponses> |
Binary format output
file |
<binr N> |
Branch If No Response |
<birnLE N1,N2> |
Branch If Random Number
Lower |
<biw N> |
Branch If Wrong |
<bm F[,F]> |
Change Bitmap Size |
<bmp [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Display a bitmap |
<BMPMultipliers F[,F]> |
Change Bitmap Size |
<BranchDiagnostics [N]> |
Turn Branch Diagnostics
On or Off |
<BranchIf N,expression> |
Branch on expression |
<BranchIfCorrect N> |
Branch If Correct |
<BranchIfCounterGT N1,N2,N3> |
Branch if Counter Greater |
<BranchIfCounterLE N1,N2,N3> |
Branch if Counter Lower |
<BranchIfErrorRateGT N1,N2> |
Branch If Error Rate
Greater |
<BranchIfErrorRateLE N1,N2> |
Branch If Error Rate
Lower |
<BranchIfNoResponse N> |
Branch If No Response |
<BranchIfRandomNumberLE N1,N2> |
Branch If Random Number
Lower |
<BranchIfWrong N> |
Branch If Wrong |
<brdiags [N]> |
Turn Branch Diagnostics
On or Off |
<bu N> |
Unconditional Branch |
<c> |
Continue without Request |
<Call N> |
Unconditional Call |
<CallIf N,expression> |
Call on expression |
<CallIfCorrect N> |
Call If Correct |
<CallIfCounterGT N1,N2,N3> |
Call if Counter Greater |
<CallIfCounterLE N1,N2,N3> |
Call if Counter Lower |
<CallIfErrorRateGT N1,N2> |
Call If Error Rate
Greater |
<CallIfErrorRateLE N1,N2> |
Call If Error Rate
Lower |
<CallIfNoResponse N> |
Call If No Response |
<CallIfRandomNumberLE N1,N2> |
Call If Random Number
Lower |
<CallIfWrong N> |
Call If Wrong |
<CallStack N> | Enable nested calls |
<cco> | Continue Clock On |
text> |
Correct Feedback Specification |
<cfbo [N]> |
Correct Feedback Only |
<Chain text> |
Chain a new item file. |
<ci N,expression> |
Call on expression |
<cic N> |
Call If Correct |
<cicGT N1,N2,N3> |
Call if Counter Greater |
<cicLE N1,N2,N3> |
Call if Counter Lower |
<cierGT N1,N2> |
Call If Error Rate
Greater |
<cierLE N1,N2> |
Call If Error Rate
Lower |
<cinr N> |
Call If No Response |
<cirnLE N1,N2> |
Call If Random Number
Lower |
<ciw N> |
Call If Wrong |
<ck> |
Make Bitmap Background
Transparent |
<ClearFeedback> |
Clear display after
Response |
<clfb> |
Clear display after
Response |
<ClockOn> |
Turn RT Clock On |
<ClockUnits N> |
Set Clock Units |
<co> |
Turn RT Clock On |
<ColorKey> |
Make Bitmap Background
Transparent |
<Continue> |
Continue without Request |
<ContinueClockOn> | Continue Clock On |
<ContinueProgressiveX> |
Continue Progressive
X across items |
<ContinuousRun [N]> |
Continuous Running |
text> |
Correct Feedback Specification |
<CorrectFeedbackOnly [N]> |
Correct Feedback Only |
<CounterFrameDuration N> |
Frame Duration from
Counter |
<cp> |
Continue Progressive
X across items |
<cpx> |
Continue Progressive
X across items |
<cr [N]> |
Continuous Running |
<CRAnyResponse> |
Any Response indicator |
<crar> |
Any Response indicator |
<crn> |
Incorrect Response
indicator |
<CRNegative> |
Incorrect Response
indicator |
<CRNoResponse> |
No Response indicator |
<crnr> |
No Response indicator |
<crp> |
Correct Response indicator |
<CRPositive> |
Correct Response indicator |
<ctr% N> |
Frame Duration from
Counter |
<ctrfd N> |
Frame Duration from
Counter |
<cu N> |
Set Clock Units |
<d N> |
Delay from request
to next item's display |
<dbc N> |
Default Background
Color |
<dbgc N> |
Default Background
Color |
<dbm F[,F]> |
Change Default Bitmap
Size |
<dbtp [N]> |
Double Tape Pulse control |
<dec N> |
Decrement Counter |
<decic N> |
Decrement Counter if
Correct RT |
<decinr N> |
Decrement Counter if
No Response RT |
<deciw N> |
Decrement Counter if
Wrong RT |
<DecrementCounter N> |
Decrement Counter |
<DecrementIfCorrect N> |
Decrement Counter if
Correct RT |
N> |
Decrement Counter if
No Response RT |
<DecrementIfWrong N> |
Decrement Counter if
Wrong RT |
<DefaultBackgroundColor N>
Default Background
Color |
<DefaultBMPMultipliers F[,F]> |
Change Default Bitmap
Size |
text> |
Change Default Font |
<DefaultFontMultipliers F[,F]> |
Change Default Font
Size |
<DefaultFontSize N> |
Change Default Font
Point Size |
<DefaultFrameDuration N> |
Default Frame Duration |
<DefaultPanning N> |
Set the default Pan
of a .WAV file |
<DefaultWritingColor N> |
Default Writing Color |
<DefPan N> |
Set the default Pan
of a .WAV file |
<Delay N> |
Delay from request
to next item's display |
text> |
Change Default Font |
<dfd N> |
Default Frame Duration |
<dfm F[,F]> |
Change Default Font
Size |
<dfs N> |
Change Default Font
Point Size |
<DigitalVideo [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Play streaming Digital
Video file |
<DoubleTapePulse [N]> |
Double Tape Pulse control |
<dtp> |
Binary format output
file |
<dv [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Play streaming Digital
Video file |
<dv% N> |
Digital Video Frame
Duration |
<dv* N> |
Clock On for Digital
Video |
<DVClockON N> |
Clock On for Digital
Video |
<dvco N> |
Clock On for Digital
Video |
<dvfd N> |
Digital Video Frame
Duration |
<DVFrameDuration N> |
Digital Video Frame
Duration |
<DVOXBeepSpec> |
Audio correct response
feedback |
<dwc N> |
Default Writing Color |
<e> |
Erase stray pixels |
<ea> |
Erase stray pixels |
<emit N> |
Emit Counter value
in output file |
<EmitCounter N> |
Emit Counter value
in output file |
<end> |
Last Frame Indicator |
<EndOfParameters> |
End of extended parameters. |
<eop> |
End of extended parameters. |
<ep> |
Extended Parameter
line |
<EraseAll> |
Erase stray pixels |
<ExpireIf signal> |
Expire frame
duration when signal received |
<ExtendedParameters> |
Extended Parameter
line |
<fb C
text> |
Superseeded Feedback
modification |
<fbd N> |
Set Feedback Duration |
<fbl N> |
Set the Feedback Location |
<fbocb [N]> |
Persistant displays
across Items |
<FBOnlyClearBehind [N]> |
Persistant displays
across Items |
<fbp N> |
Feedback RT Precision |
<fd N> |
Set Frame Duration |
<Feedback C
text> |
Superseeded Feedback
modification |
<FeedbackDuration N> |
Set Feedback Duration |
<FeedbackLine> |
Set the Feedback Location |
<FeedbackPrecision N> |
Feedback RT Precision |
<fm F[,F]> |
Change Font Size |
<FontMultipliers F[,F]> |
Change Font Size |
<FrameDuration N> |
Set Frame Duration |
<g N> |
Scramble Grouping factor |
<gr [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Display a bitmap |
<Graphic [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Display a bitmap |
<Grouping N> |
Scramble Grouping factor |
<ib N> |
Indexed Branch on Counter
N's value |
<ic N> |
Indexed Call on Counter
N's value |
<id text [N[,N]]> |
Select an Input Device |
<inc N> |
Increment Counter |
<incic N> |
Increment Counter if
Correct RT |
<incinr N> |
Increment Counter if
No Response RT |
<inciw N> |
Increment Counter if
Wrong RT |
<IncrementCounter N> |
Increment Counter |
<IncrementIfCorrect N> |
Increment Counter if
Correct RT |
N> |
Increment Counter if
No Response RT |
<IncrementIfWrong N> |
Increment Counter if
Wrong RT |
<IndexedBranch N> |
Indexed Branch on Counter
N's value |
<IndexedCall N> |
Indexed Call on Counter
N's value |
[N[,N]]> |
Select an Input Device |
<Instruction N1,N2,N3> |
Format item's
frames as instructions |
<inst N1,N2,N3> |
Format item's
frames as instructions |
<InvalidateZillionKey [text]> |
Invalidate Button as
Zillion Response |
<InvertOuput> |
Invert Output data |
<io> |
Invert Output data |
<izk [text]> |
Invalidate Button as
Zillion Response |
<JPEG [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Display a JPEG |
<jpg [N,N [,N,N]]> |
Display a JPEG |
<l> |
Last Frame Indicator |
<LastFrame> |
Last Frame Indicator |
<lf> |
Last Frame Indicator |
<line N> |
Set Text display row |
<ln N> |
Set Text display row |
<LookingTime N,text> |
Use counter N for Looking
Time |
<lt N,text> |
Use counter N for Looking
Time |
<macro C
text> |
Macro definition |
<MacroDefinition C
text> |
Macro definition |
text> |
Map button to Negative
Response |
text> |
Map button to Positive
Response |
text> |
Map button to Request |
text> |
Map button to Tape
Pulse Input |
text> |
Map button to Voice
Key input |
<md C
text> |
Macro definition |
<mdsp N> |
Change the whole Method
Of Display |
<MediaLife N> |
Lengthen default buffering
of media |
<MethodOfDisplay N> |
Change the whole Method
Of Display |
<MethodOfInput N> |
Enable PIO12 inputs
en mass |
<MinimumSleep> |
Minimum time between
items |
<minsleep> |
Minimum time between
items |
<mip N> |
Enable PIO12 inputs
en mass |
<ml N> |
Lengthen default buffering
of media |
text> |
Map button to Negative
Response |
<mod N> |
Change the whole Method
Of Display |
<moi N> |
Enable PIO12 inputs
en mass |
text> |
Map button to Positive
Response |
text> |
Map button to Request |
<ms# N> |
Multi-Scrambling Dollar
symbol |
<ms% N> |
Frame Duration in Milliseconds |
<ms\ N> |
Multi-Scramble Backslash |
<msb N> |
Multi-Scramble Backslash |
<msd N> |
Multi-Scrambling Dollar
symbol |
<msfbd N> |
Set Feedback Duration
in Milliseconds |
<msfd N> |
Frame Duration in Milliseconds |
<msFeedbackDuration N> |
Set Feedback Duration
in Milliseconds |
<MSFrameDuration N> |
Frame Duration in Milliseconds |
<msg N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Group
Keyword |
<msi N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Seed Keyword |
<mss N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Keyword |
<msss N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Seed Keyword |
<msvg N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Variable
Group Keyword |
text> |
Map button to Tape
Pulse Input |
<MultiScrambleBackslash N> |
Multi-Scramble Backslash |
<MultiScrambleDollars N> |
Multi-Scrambling Dollar
symbol |
<MultiScrambleG N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Group
Keyword |
<MultiScrambleGroup N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Group
Keyword |
<MultiScrambleI N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Seed Keyword |
<MultiScrambleS N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Keyword |
<MultiScrambleScramble N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Keyword |
N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Scramble
Seed Keyword |
N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Variable
Group Keyword |
<MultiScrambleVG N1,N2> |
Multi-Scrambling Variable
Group Keyword |
text,N]...> |
Multi-Way Branch |
text,N]...> |
Multi-Way Call
text> |
Map button to Voice
Key input |
text,N]...> |
Multi-Way Branch |
text,N]...> |
Multi-Way Call
<n N> |
Specify Number Of responses |
<NamingTaskNegation [N]> |
Naming Task Negation |
<ne> |
No Erase |
<neg [N]> |
Enable Negative Response
Input |
<NegativeResponse [N]> |
Enable Negative Response
Input |
<nfb [N]> |
Disable Feedback display |
<nfbt [N]> |
No Feedback Time in
Correct Feedback |
<nntnp [N]> |
Stop Naming Task Negation
prompts |
<NoErase> |
No Erase |
<NoFeedback [N]> |
Disable Feedback display |
<NoFeedbackTime [N]> |
No Feedback Time in
Correct Feedback |
<noi N> |
Specify Number Of responses |
<NoNTNPrompt [N]> |
Stop Naming Task Negation
prompts |
<NoTimeLimit [N]> |
No Time Limit |
<ntl [N]> |
No Time Limit |
<ntn [N]> |
Naming Task Negation |
<NumberOfItems N> |
Specify Number Of responses |
<o N> |
Output to PIO12 port |
<ocb> |
Only clear the region
behind |
<ofp N> |
Output File RT Precision |
<OnlyClearBehind> |
Only clear the region
behind |
<op N> |
Output to PIO12 port |
<os N,N,N,N> |
Stray pixel catcher |
<Output N> |
Output to PIO12 port |
<OutputFilePrecision N> |
Output File RT Precision |
<OutputHex H> |
Output to PIO12 port |
<OverSize N,N,N,N> |
Stray pixel catcher |
<ox H> |
Output to PIO12 port |
<p N[,N]> |
Progressive X coordinate |
<Pan N> |
Set the Pan of a .WAV
file |
<pdvf N> |
Play portion of Digitial
Video file |
<pdvt N> |
Play portion of Digitial
Video file |
<PlayDVFrom N> |
Play portion of Digitial
Video file |
<PlayDVTo N> |
Play portion of Digitial
Video file |
<PlaySAFrom N> |
Play Streaming Audio
file portion |
<PlaySATo N> |
Play Streaming Audio
file portion |
<pos [N]> |
Enable Positive Response
Input |
<PositiveResponse [N]> |
Enable Positive Response
Input |
<pqf [N]> |
Use Proof Quality Fonts |
<ProgressiveX N[,N]> |
Progressive X coordinate |
<ProofQualityFonts [N]> |
Use Proof Quality Fonts |
<Prose a, b, c, d> |
Handle typed Prose |
<psaf N> |
Play Streaming Audio
file portion |
<psat N> |
Play Streaming Audio
file portion |
<px N[,N]> |
Progressive X coordinate |
<Randomize> |
the random number generator |
<rc [N]> |
Response Contingency |
<rco [N]> |
Enable Text Writing
Color control |
<rcot [N]> |
Record ClockOn time
across items |
<RecordClockOnTime [N]> |
Record ClockOn time
across items |
<Rem> |
Remark |
<req [N]> |
Enable Request Input |
<Request [N]> |
Enable Request Input |
<RequestScheduled [N]>
Request Scheduled displays |
<ResponseContingent [N]> |
Response Contingency |
<RestoreCounters> |
Restore Counters from
file |
<ret> |
Exit Called subroutine |
<Return> |
Exit Called subroutine |
<RevertOuput> |
Output data no longer
latched |
<RevertOuputHex> |
Output data no longer
latched |
<ro> |
Output data no longer
latched |
<rox> |
Output data no longer
latched |
<rs [N]> |
Request Scheduled displays |
<rtc N> |
Set RT Correction |
<RTCorrection N> |
Set RT Correction |
<RtfColorOverride [N]> |
Enable Text Writing
Color control |
<s N> |
Scramble block size. |
<sa> |
Play Streaming Audio
file |
<sac [N]> |
Suppress Audio Capture |
<SafeMode N> |
Turn on a DMDX safe
mode |
<SaveCounters> |
Save Counters to file |
<sbr N,N,N,N> |
Set Button
Rect |
<sc l, t, r, b> |
Store coordinates of a
frame's display |
<Scramble N> |
Scramble block size |
<ScrambleSeed N> |
Scramble seed |
<sd> |
Skip all display elements |
text> |
Play portion of a .WAV
file |
<Send string> |
Send a string to a
TCP/IP socket |
<set N1,N2> |
Set Counter |
<SetButtonRect N,N,N,N> |
Set Button
Rect |
<SetCounter N1,N2> |
Set Counter |
text> |
Play portion of a .WAV
file |
text> |
Play portion of a .WAV
file |
text> |
Set the Visual Probe
of a .WAV file |
<sf [N]> |
Play .WAV file |
<SkipDisplay> |
Skip all display elements |
<Sound [N]> |
Play .WAV file |
<sprintf N1[,N2[,N3[,N4[,N5[,N6]]]]]> |
Display multiple counters' formatted values |
<ss N> |
Scramble seed |
text> |
Play portion of a .WAV
file |
<StoreCoords l, t, r, b> |
Store coordinates of a
frame's display |
<StreamingAudio> |
Play Streaming Audio
file |
<SuppressAudioCapture [N]> |
Suppress Audio Capture |
text> |
Set the Visual Probe
of a .WAV file |
<t N> |
Subject response Timeout |
<tape [N]> |
Enable Tape Pulse Input |
<TapePulse [N]> |
Enable Tape Pulse Input |
<tbg> |
Make Bitmap Background
Transparent |
<tcf> |
Enable Time Critical
Frames |
<TestMode N> |
Turn on a DMDX test
mode |
<TextRow N> |
Set Text display row |
<TimeCriticalFrame[s]> |
Enable Time Critical
Frames |
<Timeout N> |
Subject response Timeout |
text> |
Too Long Feedback Specification |
text> |
Too Long Feedback Specification |
<tr N> |
Set Text display row |
<TransparentBG> |
Make Bitmap Background
Transparent |
<umb [text]> |
Unmap all mappings
of a Button |
<umnr> |
Unmap all Negative
Response buttons |
<umpr> |
Unmap all Positive
Response buttons |
<umr> |
Unmap all Request buttons |
<umtp> |
Unmap all Tape Pulse
buttons |
<umvk> |
Unmap all Voice Key
buttons |
<UnMapButton [text]> |
Unmap all mappings
of a Button |
<UnMapNegativeResponse> |
Unmap all Negative
Response buttons |
<UnMapPositiveResponse> |
Unmap all Positive
Response buttons |
<UnMapRequest> |
Unmap all Request buttons |
<UnMapTapePulse> |
Unmap all Tape Pulse
buttons |
<UnMapVoiceKey> |
Unmap all Voice Key
buttons |
text> |
Validate Button as
Zillion Response |
<VariableGrouping N> |
Scramble Variable sized
Grouping |
<vg N> |
Scramble Variable sized
Grouping |
<VideoMode N,N,N,N,N> |
Set the DirectX video
mode. |
[N]> |
Visually Signal Experimenter |
<vm N,N,N,N,N> |
Set the DirectX video
mode. |
<VoiceKey [N]> |
Enable Voice Key Input |
<vol N> |
Set the Volume of a
.WAV file |
<Volume N> |
Set the Volume of a
.WAV file |
<vox [N]> |
Enable Voice Key Input |
<vse [N]> |
Visually Signal Experimenter |
text> |
Validate Button as
Zillion Response |
<w N> |
Set Text Writing Color |
<wav [N]> |
Play .WAV file |
<wc N> |
Set Text Writing Color |
text> |
Incorrect Feedback
Specification |
<wfbo [N]> |
Wrong Feedback Only |
<WritingColor N> |
Set Text Writing Color |
text> |
Incorrect Feedback
Specification |
<WrongFeedbackOnly [N]> |
Wrong Feedback Only |
<x N> |
Display X coordinate |
<XPosition N> |
Display X coordinate |
<XY N,N> |
Display coordinates |
<XYJustification N> |
Set Justification for
X and Y coordinates |
<y N> |
Display Y coordinate |
<YPosition N> |
Display Y coordinate |
<zek [N]> |
Typed Responses |
text> |
Specify Enter Key name |
<zil [N]> |
Zillion format output
data file |
<Zillion [N]> |
Zillion format output
data file |
<ZillionEnterKey [N]> |
Typed Responses |
text> |
Specify Enter Key name |
<ZillionOneLine [N]> |
One Line per item Zillion data |
<ZillionOneResponse [N]> |
One of many keys for
response |
<ZillionResponses [N]> |
Zillion format output
data file |
<ZillionTypedResponses [N]> |
Typed Responses |
<zol [N]> |
One Line per item Zillion data |
<zor [N]> |
One of many keys for
response |
<zr [N]> |
Zillion format output
data file |
<ztr [N]> |
Typed Responses |